We are so pleased to have you participate in this program. The eight modules used in this training program have been developed by widely-published researchers from Deakin University’s Faculty of Health, in Melbourne. The broad aim of these modules is to provide new acceptance-based coping strategies, through a range of activities, to people dealing with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or indeterminate colitis. ACT or acceptance and commitment therapy is a powerful, therapeutic tool which has been found to assist people dealing with various physical and emotional issues and for this reason it is anticipated that it may also be supportive of people who live with IBD. Instructions are contained within each module, which are designed to be completed once per week. The first three modules and the final module will be facilitated by psychologists or provisional psychologists. Sessions 4-7 will be self-directed. We encourage you to work through the activities in these modules over the next eight weeks and thank you for your participation.
Please contact the team if you have any questions.
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